When I was 15 years old

庆祝LinkedIn 15周年生日快乐, 哈哈凑个热闹,我也来回忆下我的15岁。 15岁时,小少女1枚,有4个小小梦想,分别是:1. 当个老师,要拽拽的,哈哈,不用做作业。
2. 带着家人全球旅游。
3. 当回作家,体验下自已的文字变成书本的感觉,哈哈,那时好羡慕那些大作家的。
4. 带着我的家人, 去澳大利亚,看看摸摸抱抱我最爱的考拉。

When I was 15 years old

When I Was15,I had 4 small dreams: 

1. Become one teacher, as that time, I thought teacher is one cool job, no need do homework every day, only need to check student’s homework, haha, frankly speaking, I was a good student at that time, got Scholarship every year.


2. Have chance come to every country for travelling.


3. Become one writer, I enjoy writing, and enjoy reading.


4. Come to Australia and see my favorite koala with my family, I like koala so much, so funny, always sleep.

When I was 15 years old

After 22 years passed, oh, my god, how time flies, now
I become 2-children’s mother.  And let me see how the dreams whether come to truth.

1. Teacher Dream 

Yes, now I am a teacher at part-time,  I am enjoying it so much, especially when my students says my training/classes help them improved and get more international orders.

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

2. Travel Dream

It is a pity that till now, I only came to 9 Countries, these are: Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Korea, Nepal, Thailand. And wish before 50-years old, we can come to more and more country with my family.


When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

When I was 15 years old

3. Writer Dream

It will come to truth in the coming June, my first book “how to use LinkedIn expand our international business” will be ready, thanks for LinkedIn team and Publisher’s big support.

When I was 15 years old

 4. Australia Koala Dream

It is a pity that still not come to truth, schedule come to Australia this Sep and wish have chance to give a big hug to my favorite koala.

What did you want to be when you were 15? Never give up on your dreams however stupid they are!

When I was 15 years old

With dream ,you can fly much high,isn’t it!


When I was 15 years old

Do you like me, the lady withdream always? Life is worth enjoying, and we should work hard and enjoy stayingwith family, right? We are on the way always, like the train, and sometimesneed rest and never forget what is our dream?


When I was 15 years old


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